Accessibility Statement


I’m committed to accessibility. This website should work for everyone. Simple as that.

This statement includes a description of my current, and future efforts in accessibility, contact information, and current conformance status. There are no currently known issues to be worked around.

Contact Information

If you need assistance with this site, the best ways to reach me is via email.

Accessibility Background

I’ve been working in the field of web accessibility since the early 1990’s. I’m an expert accessibility consultant who provides accessibility training and consults with small and large companies. This site should be working just fine for everyones.

Current Conformance Status

As of June 2024, the site meets at least WCAG 2.2 Level AA.

Known issues

Video player

Several issues with the video player. I selected Able Player as it is one of the most accessible players. It is causing some issues however, and bugs are being reported back to the developer.

  • May encounter problems navigating out of the video player on mobile with Talkback/Chrome on Android.
  • aria-label applied to a div without a role. May cause labelling issues for some screen readers
  • Duplicate buttons may cause speech control issues.
  • “Show links” command does not work when video is in full screen. This appears to be an Able Player/Dragon Naturally speaking specific bug.

Video transcripts

  • The transcript may be difficult to trigger using Voice Control on Mac and iOS. This appears to be a bvug with Voice Control


I welcome your feedback on the accessibility of this site. Please let me know if you encounter accessibility barriers on this site.